SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

"You need good time management"

Yasemin Sahin has clear career goals. She knows that if you want to achieve something, you have to work for it. But a distance learning programme on top of a full-time job and a family? For Yasemin, it's a perfect fit!

Combining technology and business

Yasemin, why did you choose distance learning?

The combination of technology and business has always worked for me and this is what I experience in my job. I thought about it carefully and realised that the degree would be an excellent foundation for my further career goals.

Where do you work?

I work for a medium-sized company. I've worked in many different areas and I'm familiar with different roles: project manager, controller. During my apprenticeship, I was able to manage the accounts payable department on my own. I've been a component manager in the electronics department for over 10 years now - responsible for components, cable harness drawings, circuit diagrams, etc.

That sounds like a lot of variety, but also a lot of responsibility.

It's true. The versatility that the SRH study programme offers me is something I already know from my professional life. As I said, I'm interested in both aspects, business and technology. But that's not always the case in my industry. For example, developers can get frustrated because the purchasing or sales departments take too long. There's often a lack of overall perspective to better understand the processes in these departments. A comprehensive study programme makes this possible.

And if I mention that I have two young children, it might seem even more challenging.
Yasemin Sahin, Industrial Engineering student (B.Sc.)

Good time management is key to success

All right, but how do you manage to study and work at the same time?

I work full-time, which is a challenge in itself. The key to success is good organisation and time management. For example, if I can manage to study for two hours after eight in the evening - and still get enough sleep - it works wonderfully!

Pretty impressive. Some people might find that difficult.

If I mention that I have two small children, it might seem even more difficult. [laughs] But it's doable! Besides, nothing comes from nothing. If you want to achieve something, you have to put in the effort.

What are the goals that you want to achieve?

I'm happy with my job, but I always welcome new challenges! That's why my short-term goal is to successfully complete my studies and deepen my knowledge. In the long term, I would like to reach a management position where I can make a positive difference.

Why did you choose SRH The Distance Learning University for your studies?

The subject was clear, but then the question arose: Where should I study? I started by Googling. At the time, SRH had been the most popular distance learning university in Germany for five years in a row. So I thought, let's take a closer look.

Was a traditional university out of the question?

I believe that distance learning offers much better opportunities to combine theory and practice in such a way that you can immediately apply what you've learned.

Is this already the case for you in your first semester?

Yes, indeed! Lean Management was a topic right from the start and I was able to apply it directly. I told my company about it and suggested that we had some examples of where processes could be made more efficient. We implemented them immediately. On the other hand, the project management content of the programme is not new to me. I have the experience, which is a big advantage.

Your first impression: What do you like about SRH The Distance Learning University - and what don't you like?

I've had a lot of positive experiences so far. I really like the flexibility and the easy accessibility of the professors. It works great, even without face-to-face meetings. When I think about it, I actually prefer to study in my quiet little room. Distance learning is just right for me.