SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about experiences abroad.

What is Erasmus+? Who can take part in the Erasmus+ programme? What is supported by PROMOS funding? These and more questions will be answered in the following section. You can always reach out to us if you still have questions. 

Erasmus+ programme

The Erasmus+ programme is a European Union funding programme for education, sport and youth. As an Erasmus+ university, our students are given the opportunity to complete an internship abroad and expand their social and cultural skills in order to improve their career prospects.

Students enrolled at the SRH Distance Learning University are eligible to participate. They must have completed at least their first year of study and meet the requirements of the Erasmus+ programme.

All EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and North Macedonia participate in the Erasmus+ programme.

Please contact the International Office of the SRH Distance Learning University for more information. Your application documents must be complete and submitted on time. 

The amount of financial support depends on your destination country and the type of stay. For an internship abroad the funding is between 640-750 Euros per month.

The Erasmus+ grant will be paid in two instalments: 70% before your departure after the Grant Agreement has been signed and the Learning Agreement has been completed and signed by the host institution. The remaining 30% will be paid upon your return once all formalities have been completed.

The Grant Agreement and Learning Agreement must be completed and signed before departure.

An Erasmus+ funded stay abroad can last between 2 and 12 months. In total, you can be funded for up to 12 months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master).

Yes, sufficient language skills in the working language of the host country are required. There is also Online Language Support (OLS) available through the Erasmus+ programme. 

Yes, it is required that you continue to pay tuition fees to your home university during your time abroad unless you apply for a vacation semester. 

Yes, you can do an Erasmus+ internship both during your studies and after you graduate, as long as the internship is completed within 12 months after graduation.

In the event of cancellation, you must inform the SRH Distance Learning University’s International Office immediately. You may have to repay part of the funding you received, depending on the reasons and the total duration of your stay.

Yes, Erasmus+ offers additional financial support for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses to meet their special needs.

Yes, you can participate in the Erasmus+ programme more than once as long as you do not exceed the maximum funding period of 12 months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master).

At the end of your stay, you must have the internship company sign the Learning Agreement to complete it and submit a final report to the DAAD. This is done automatically via a link provided by the DAAD. The Erasmus+ programme also offers opportunities for further networking and participation in alumni activities.

PROMOS programme

Students enrolled at SRH Distance Learning University who already have concrete plans to study abroad or take a language course abroad at the time of application.

The SRH Distance Learning University can support study visits of up to 3 months and language courses of up to one month with the PROMOS partial scholarship.

For study visits, lump-sum accommodation costs are paid according to a list of countries published by the DAAD. You can find this on our PROMOS website. Students also receive a travel grant according to the list. 

Yes, students can study at a European university with which SRH DLU does not have an ERASMUS agreement.


A list of the required documents and the formal application requirements can always be found in the current PROMOS call for applications published on SRH DLU’s website.

The processing of applications takes approx. 2-3 weeks. You can usually expect an acceptance or rejection in the 3rd week of July or December, respectively.

 Please be aware that PROMOS funding must be declared to the responsible office for BAföG-abroad. PROMOS funding will always be offset against the BAföG-abroad. 

Deutschlandstipendium and PROMOS grants can be received at the same time without restriction. 

DAAD individual scholarships and PROMOS scholarships may not be awarded at the same time. 

A combination of scholarships from private funds with PROMOS scholarships is possible without restriction. However, if the stay abroad is also funded by public funds from Germany, the purpose of the funding is generally decisive. This means that funding via PROMOS is not possible if the same funding purpose is already being pursued with public funds from Germany. Students should be made aware that they must state the PROMOS funding for any other scholarship holders in their application. Example: The scholarship holder receives travel expenses from other public funds in Germany. This excludes funding from the PROMOS travel allowance. However, other funding benefits such as partial scholarship instalments are possible.

The funds will only be paid out once the Learning Agreement and the Certificate of Arrival have been submitted.

The Learning Agreement/Studyplan must be submitted with the signature of the sending institution before departure.

International Office

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