SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

Prof. Dr. Julia Zwank

Professorship in Developmental and Economic Psychology

Phone: +49 7371 9315-0
SRH Fernhochschule | Prof. Dr. Julia Zwank
About me

About me

Academic career

Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from EBS University: "'Magic Mirror in My Hand, Who Is the Fairest in the Land?' Managerial Justice Enactment in the Context of Organizational Change"

Master of Science in "Business Psychology & Change Management" from SRH Mobile University

Bachelor of Arts in "Business Psychology" from SRH Mobile University

Professional career

Professor of Developmental and Economic Psychology at SRH Mobile University. Program Director of "Applied Psychology with a focus on Child and Adolescent Psychology (M.Sc.)"

Head of Organizational Transformation & Global Change at ING Group, worldwide

Senior Management Consultant for Organizational and Leadership Development & Transformation at ING Germany and Netherlands

Freelance Consultant, Trainer, Speaker, and Executive Coach, cross-industry, Europe-wide


I have contributed to these publications

  • Zwank, J., Diehl, M. R., & Gollwitzer, M. (2023). The Corporate Samaritan: Advancing Understanding of the Role of Deontic Motive in Justice Enactment. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-023-05409-w10.1007/s10551-023-05409-w
  • Zwank, J., Diehl, MR. & Fortin, M. Three Paths to Feeling Just: How Managers Grapple with Justice Conundrums During Organizational Change. J Bus Ethics 186, 217–236 (2023).
  • Hwang, C. C. H., Kitz, C. C., Bies, R., Chen, F. X., Sarnecki, A., Zwank, J., Aquino, K., Barclay, L. J., Brady, D., Breitsohl, H., Camps, J., Diehl, M-R., Graso, M., Patient, D. L., Sguera, F., Strah, N., & van den Bos, K. (2022). Effectively Managing Negative Situations to Create a Better World Together. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Academy of Management Proceedings; Vol. 2022, No. 1). Academy of Management.
  • Zwank. J. (2021). The Evolving Organization. In: SRH Fernhochschule (Hrsg.): Vernetzte Arbeitswelt – der digitale Arbeitnehmer“. Berlin: Springer.
  • Zwank, J., Diehl, M.-R., & Fortin, M. (2020). Quo Vadis? Three Moral Journeys of Justice Enactment During Organizational Change. Accepted for Presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Vancouver, Canada.
  • Barclay, L., Varty, C., Brockner, J., Baer, M., Hillebrandt, A., Nishioka, M., Varty, C., Zwank, J., Beck, J. W., Bobocel, R., Brady, D., Diehl, M.-R., Fortin, M., Frank, E. L., Luciano, M. M., Matta, F. M., Saldanha, M. F., & Wellman, E. M. C. (2020). Broadening Our Understanding of “Doing Justice” in Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 20, 13821.
  • Zwank, J. & Schneck, O. (2020). Was Unternehmen von der „Mobile University“ lernen können. FAZ Personaljournal, 03/2020, S. 21-22.
  • Zwank, J. & Diehl, M.-R. (2019). Fairness as a Disguise. Fear-Driven Motives for Justice Enactment During Organizational Change. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Vol. 2019, No. 1, 16755.
  • Zwank, J. & Diehl, M.-R. (2019). Counterintuitive Justice Dynamics. Motives and Strategies of Fair Managerial Decision-Making. Presentation at the 2019 European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Conference in Turin, Italy. 
  • Zwank, J. & Diehl, M.-R. (2019). Fear-Driven Motives for Justice Enactment During Organizational Change. Accepted for Presentation at the 2019 British Academy of Management Conference in Birmingham, UK. 
  • Zwank, J. & Diehl, M.-R. (2019). Fairness as a Disguise. Fear-Driven Motives for Justice Enactment During Organizational Change. Presentation at the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston, USA. 
  • Zwank, J. & Diehl, M.-R. (2019). Cycles of (In)justice Enactment During Organizational Change: A Longitudinal Study. Presentation at the 6th International Workshop on Insights in Organizational Justice and Behavioural Ethics in Oestrich-Winkel, Germany.

Research profile

  • Identity and inter-identity work
  • Morality and moral maturation
  • Early childhood development and implications on adulthood
  • Dark triad / light triad
  • Attachment and attachment disorders
  • Behavioral ethics, care, and justice


  • Best Paper" Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, USA, 2019
  • Showcase Symposium" Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2020
  • "Erdgas-Südwest-Preis for Outstanding Academic Performance," Germany, 2016
  • Professional Memberships and Roles:
  • Jury Member for the European Training Award, Professional Association for Training, Consulting, and Coaching (BDVT)
  • Member and Reviewer, Academy of Management Conference
  • Member and Reviewer, British Academy of Management Conference
  • Member, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
  • Certifications and Continuing Education:
  • Certifications and training in Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, among others; Certified Systemic Coach