SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

Prof. Dr. Daniela Voigt

Professor of Social Work

About me

About me

Academic career

Ph.D. in Philosophy with the dissertation titled: "Successful Advancement of Consulting Concepts for Organizations with Dilemmatic Structures through Dialogical Approaches (in German and English)", Bratislava

Master's Degree in Sociology and Educational Science from the University of Kassel

Specialized Study Program in Process-Oriented Future Moderation at the University of Kassel, completed with a degree

Diploma in Social Work/Social Pedagogy, University Studies at the University of Kassel

Professional career

Professor of Social Work at SRH Mobile University, Riedlingen

BAFA Consultant

Recognition as a Consultant by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) for "Promotion of Entrepreneurial Know-How" and "Tailored Placement/Integration of Migrants"

Reviewer for Erasmus+

Enabler and Expert for "WirVsVirus," a federal government hackathon, specializing in Integration, Migration, and Social Work

Controller and Press Spokesperson at the Federal Employment Agency, Nuremberg


I have contributed to these publications

  • Voigt, D. (2020): Feel-Safe: Psychisch gesund durch Krisen. Berlin
  • Voigt, D. (2020): Häusliche Gewalt - Prävention, Information und Selbsthilfe. Berlin
  • Voigt, D. (2019): Digitale Kompetenz. Playbook: Ready for Digital. Berlin
  • Voigt, D. (2019): Zuwanderungsmonitor für Maßnahmen der Arbeitsmarktintegration, in: Wartenpfuhl, B. (Hrsg.): Soziale Arbeit und Migration: Konzepte und Lösungen im Vergleich. Wiesbaden. S. 119-134
  • Voigt, D. (2017): Kompetenzpass. She can!: Schnelle Hilfe für die berufliche und private Neukonzeption von FamilienmanagerInnen und ZuwanderernInnen. Berlin
  • Voigt, D. (2015): Beratung, Unterricht und Umgang mit Asylanten, Flüchtlingen und Zuwanderern: Schnelle Hilfe für Berater und Ehrenamtliche. Berlin
  • Voigt, D. (2015): Kultursensible Beratung: für Berater, Ehrenamtliche und Organisationen. Berlin
  • Voigt, D. (2015): Sicherheit und Gesundheit: für Beratungsberufe, Organisationen und Institutionen. Berlin



  • 2017 Internationale Fachtagung zum Thema Soziale Arbeit und Migration. Bad Sooden-Allendorf.
  • Zuwanderungsmonitor für Maßnahmen der Arbeitsmarktintegration
  • Bundesagentur für Arbeit
  • 2006 – 2019 Fachvorträge, Podiumsdiskussionen, Pressekonferenzen, Mitarbeiterschulungen und Konferenzen

Research and Teaching Focus

  • Project Leader for the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony – led a four-month study on juvenile delinquency (in Kassel) in 2005
  • Lecturer in Statistics for the Society for Educational Programs
  • Project Planning (including needs assessment, conceptualization, acquisition, and execution) for the Kassel Academy for Stage and Education e. V., e.g., for the Federal LOS Project and Aktion Mensch
  • Implementation of various creativity methods, e.g., future workshops and future conferences, for the Jobcenter Landkreis Kassel, komm e. V., and the Kassel Academy for Stage and Education e. V.
  • Conceptualization and Implementation of the Youth Conference for the Kassel District
  • Digitalization
  • Social Innovation


- Scrum Master, May 2020
- Agile Project Management, May 2020
- Media Computer Scientist, May 2014
- Webmaster (E-Careers UK), August 2012
- Specialized Journalist in Social Affairs, March 2009
- Client-Centered Counseling, April 2004
- Certified Fitness Specialist (IHK) (Business Administration Training), January 2000