SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

Prof. Dr. Gerd-Dietrich Schmidt

Honorary Professorship in Learning Therapy

About me

About me

Academic career

Ph.D. (Doctor Paedagogicae) with the distinction 'magna cum laude' on a topic related to physics education at the high school level

University studies at the University of Education Güstrow to become a certified teacher for Physics and Mathematics with teaching qualifications up to the high school level, completed with the distinction 'Excellent

Professional career

Honorary Professor of Learning Therapy, previously a subject lecturer at SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University, Riedlingen since 2019

Managing Partner of DI Lerntherapie GmbH with the Duden Institutes for Learning Therapy

Managing Director of DUDEN PAETEC GmbH and Duden Institutes for Learning Therapy GmbH following the involvement of the Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG Mannheim and the renaming of PAETEC GmbH to DUDEN PAETEC GmbH

Founding Partner and Managing Director of paetec Gesellschaft für Bildung und Technik mbH, which includes a textbook publisher, textbook trade, business academy, and the Institutes for Learning Therapy

Research Associate at the Institute for Mathematics and Science Education, Research Group for Physics/Astronomy at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the GDR in Berlin


I have contributed to these publications

  • Autor und Herausgeber von über 150 wissenschaftlichen Artikeln, Schulbüchern, Nachschlagewerken und anderen Unterrichtsmaterialien für die Unterrichtsfächer Physik, Mathematik, Chemie und fächerübergreifende Naturwissenschaften
  • Huck, L. & Schmidt, G.-D. (2017). Die Duden-Lerntherapie-Studie. Integrative Lerntherapie – Wer benötigt und wer bekommt lerntherapeutische Hilfe beim Lesen-, Schreiben- und Rechnenlernen. (19.05.2017)
  • Schmidt, G.-D. (2017). Der Prozess der Professionalisierung von Lerntherapie im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen, in Huck, L. & Schulz, A. Lerntherapie und inklusive Schule. Berlin: Dudenverlag, 90-106
  • Schmidt, G.-D. (Hrsg.). (2020), Die erfolgreiche Lerntherapiepraxis. Gründung – Finanzierung – Führung, Berlin.

Research Profile

  • Professionalization of Learning Therapy as a Field of Work
  • Establishment, Leadership, and Management of Learning Therapy Practices
  • Development and Design of Textbooks


  • Duden Institutes for Learning Therapy 2021 'Franchisor of the Year'
  • Member of the Rotary Club Berlin-Schloss Köpenick; Treasurer of the Support Association of St. Josefs Hospital Potsdam Sanssouci


  • The franchise system of the Duden Institutes for Learning Therapy and DI Lerntherapie GmbH are certified full members of the German Franchise Association e.V., recipients of the Franchise Award in Gold in 2009, 2013, 2016, and 2019, nominated as "Franchisor of the Year" in 2014, 2019, and 2020, finalist in 2017, and winners of the "Grand Prize for Medium-Sized Enterprises" from the Oskar Patzelt Foundation and "Family Entrepreneur of the Year" in 2019 by the Association "Die Familienunternehmer e.V."
  • Duden Institutes for Learning Therapy "Franchisor of the Year" 2021