SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

Prof. Dr. Bianca Müller

Professorship in Nutritional Science and Food Technology

SRH Fernhochschule | Prof. Dr. Bianca Müller
About me

About me

Academic career

Ph.D. (Dr. oec. troph.) from the Technical University of Munich

Investigations on the Use of Rapid Methods for Quality Assurance in Community Catering

"Diploma in Nutritional Science (Dipl. oec. troph. Univ.) from the Technical University of Munich"



Professional career

Professor of Nutritional Science and Food Technology at SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University, Riedlingen

Head of Research and Development, Quality Assurance at QSE GmbH, Triesdorf Production Facility

Research Associate at the Technical University of Munich, Central Institute for Nutrition and Food Research (ZIEL), Department of Bioanalytics Weihenstephan, Freising


I have contributed to these publications

  • Müller, B., Bachmaier, G. (2017): Interview für SRH youtube-Kanal, Thema: „Antibiotika-Rückstände in Milch”.
  • Müller, B. (2017): „Zusatzstoffe in Lebensmitteln“, MINT-EC-Camp Ernährungswissenschaften, Ellwangen.
  • Müller, B. (2017): „Brainfood – Nahrung fürs Gehirn?“, Riedlinger Gesundheitstage.
  • Müller, B. (2015): „Questionnaire on existing protocols for quality control around ‚new‘ infrared parameters in raw milk analysis“, ISO/IDF Analytical Week im Standing Committee Statistics and Automation in Namur, Belgien.
  • Müller, B. (2014): QSE GmbH - who we are and what we do; Vortrag, ISO/IDF Analytical Week - Exhibitors Showcase, Berlin.
  • Bout, C., Müller, B. (2013): How can the proficiency of your antibiotic testing be monitored?, Artikel (Co-Autor), Online-Veröffentlichung, 09.02.2017.
  • Müller, B. (2013): Kalibrierung von IR-Geräten - Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis: Beispiel Betriebslabor, Vortrag, 4. Triesdorfer Milchrunde, Triesdorf.
  • Müller, B. (2013): Einsatz von Referenzmaterialien zur Qualitätssicherung in der IR-Analytik Vortrag, 4. Triesdorfer Milchrunde, Triesdorf.
  • Bisgard Oldrup, D., van den Bijgaart, H., Leray, O., Ferrand, M., Müller, B. (2010): New Applications of Mid Infra-Red Spectrometry for the Analysis of Milk and Milk Products, Saturated/Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation, Nr. 447.


  • Weihenstephan Association of Dairy Scientists, Biotechnologists, and Food Technologists e.V.
  • Professional Association of Nutritional Scientists e.V. (VDOE)