At our university, quality is visible in all areas. Innovation is standard practice for us.

Broad foundation for applied research
At our university, teaching and research are closely linked: applied research primarily supports teaching as a strategic focus of our university. Consequently, research content often coincides with the degree programmes we offer and is complemented by selected research projects in our individual subject areas. Our students learn to integrate new methods and results into their work from the outset.
Our understanding of research
At our university, quality is visible in all areas
All research activities conducted at our university comply with a high standard of scientific quality. This pursuit of quality implies that, among other things, we observe the rules of good scientific practice. Examples of good scientific practice (according to the DFG) include working lege artis, documenting results, rigorously questioning all findings, and maintaining strict honesty in attributing the contributions of partners, competitors and predecessors.
Innovation is standard practice for us
At our university, research contributes to the growth of knowledge, leading to innovation. Our research generates not only innovative products, but also innovative processes, procedures, methods and tools. Our fields of research are closely linked to the areas in which we teach. As a result, our research activities generate innovative insights for our teaching content (helping to improve the quality of our teaching). In addition, our research work creates opportunities for our students to undertake practical projects, write final theses, etc. in innovative subject areas. Consequently, research supports teaching as a strategic priority of our university. Current (research) results are taken into account in teaching, and our students learn to integrate new methods and results into their work from the outset.
Our range of activities is highly flexible
Interdisciplinary research and development activities can only be achieved with the cooperation of different departments, disciplines and organisations. In this context, we play an active part in such flexible structures (including research consortia), making a significant contribution to raising the interest in knowledge.
We are close to you
The research we conduct seeks to take an application-oriented perspective, enabling the results to be put directly into practice. Market and customer proximity are therefore key requirements of the research content at our university. Bearing this in mind, our research activities are not undertaken as an end in themselves, but are directly linked to your market requirements and/or customers’ needs. As a result, the research we conduct responds to the latest market developments and takes a solution-focused approach.
We undertake research activities as a transparent process
At our university, communication and cooperation – both across organisations and within the university – take place in an open and appreciative way at all levels. Not only do we tolerate scientific dispute, we explicitly embrace it in a bid to facilitate an objective gain in knowledge within the team.